The Artist
Hello there!
I’m Sara Kovacs, artist and owner, of Baby Bean Portraits. I love laughter, rainbow colors, day-dreaming, the warm, sweet light before sunset, and all things baby. Many clients have asked me how I started doing baby photography. And my answer to them is one my family and close friends can surely attest to:
I have loved babies for all of my life. So it was a natural progression to combine this love with my photography.
As a little girl, I planted the small green seeds of this love. I read every book about infants that our local library held, subscribed to Parents Magazine at eight years old, and helped my neighbors daily after school with their babies. Inspired by the books I treasured, I created many cheerful memories by illustrating and writing short stories and poems. I took art and photography classes in high school, babysat for neighbors, and worked at a day care with infants with special needs.
When I grew up, so grew my love for babies and art. In my 20’s, I volunteered in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Rady Children’s Hospital, earned my Master of Fine Arts in Poetry at SDSU, and published my poetry. I took figure drawing classes, and spent my free time drawing with pastels (in fact, the drawings featured as part of the Baby Bean website are mine!).
My professional photography career took root by taking photos of my friends’ children as a gift to them. I quickly discovered that taking photographs of newborns and babies is what makes my heart sing.
I am happy that, with much care and joy, those small green seeds from childhood have sprouted into Baby Bean Portraits. Through my camera’s lens, I aim to tell a beautiful, sweet, sunlit story about the people I love the most with all of my heart: babies! I now hope to share this life-long love with you …and your own little “baby bean.”
Sara Kovacs
Top and bottom left photos courtesy of Aaron Wilcox |